
Can Brita Filters Be Recycled

How and Where to Recycle Brita Filters (and Yes, Information technology's The Right Thing To Do!)

Every bit you know from my blogs on h2o filters, how to choose the best 1 for YOUR water, and which is the best type of filter, my favourite brand of carbon filter is Brita.

And hither y'all'll find out how to recycle your filters after you lot've used them.

recycle brita filters pitcher jug waterHow practise yous know if you've got a carbon filter?   If it'south an in-fridge, pitcher (jug), or faucet (tap) filter, it's most likely a carbon filter.

Why does EcoExpert like Brita filters?   Because you can recycle the filters, and Brita have a good reputation in the marketplace.

Why should I Recycle my Filters? Most filters are made of plastic, and – even worse – of plastic #5, which many recycling plants don't accept for recycling.  Then they stop upwardly in landfills, and (like all plastic) it lasts forever.

Interesting Betoken!

Originally, Brita were recycling in Europe but not in the US.  Simply (hooray!) consumer force per unit area made them offer recycling options in the Usa – and then allow'southward show them it's worthwhile by being sure to recycle your filters – the planet will thank you!

OK, How Do I Recycle My Filters?

Recycling Brita Filters is Easy!  You either drop them off in a participating store, or mail them.  See below for the details for your land.

What will happen to the filters?

brita filters are recycled into many things including park benchesThey will be recycled into plastic toothbrush and razor handles, cups and cutting boards.  Some parts are recycled into park benches, watering cans, outdoor furniture and wheel racks. These can then exist recycled once more, and and then given a 3rd 'life'.  The carbon and contaminants in the filters are regenerated for alternative use.

Here'southward how to recycle Brita filters – cheque for your country beneath.


Recycle Brita Filters in the U.s.a.

Brita have partnered with Terracycle, making it like shooting fish in a barrel for all American customers to recycle Brita filters! And you can earn Brita Reward points also!

Here'southward what to do:

  1. Dry out the used filters by shaking off backlog water, and leaving them in a dry place for at least 3 days.
  2. Collect 5 pounds of Brita products that yous desire to recycle.
  3. Wrap them in a plastic grocery bag or garbage bag (it will be recycled too) and pack in a box
  4. Sign in (or create a new – free – account) at Brita's United states website and yous'll exist able to print a complimentary shipping label.
  5. Mail the box, and know you've done your part to help reduce the plastic load on the planet!

Recycle Brita Filters In Canada

If you live near a London Drugs store, I'm told you lot can drop off your quondam Brita filters there.

Alternatively, Brita Canada has apparently partnered with Preserve for recycling. Here's what to do –
1. Dry out 3 used Brita filters
two. Wrap them in plastic (ugh), and send them to Brita, preferably in the original box.
3. The Preserve website has a link to a prepaid shipping label to print and affix to the box.

The Preserve recycling constitute is in New York, then Brita Canada obviously ships them large batches of used filters a couple of times a yr. Preserve then recycle both the plastic and the active filter elements.

An EcoFriendlyLink reader as well recommends Aquagear water filter pitchers or jugs – he says they final longer, remove more nasties and are easier to recycle than Brita in Canada.

Recycle Brita Filters In the UK and Ireland

Brita has partnered with a number of high street retailers to provide a BRITA Retail Recycling scheme across the Great britain that makes it really like shooting fish in a barrel to recycle your Brita filters! Merely drop off the filter at participating stores – including Boots and Argos.

Yous tin:

  • Look for the blueish Brita recycle box in your favourite shops, OR
  • Contact BRITACare on 0844 742 4800
  • OR just enter your postcode into this recycling locator.

non toxic life

Recycle Brita Filters In Europe

Brita is headquartered in Germany. You can:.

  • Go to this site and observe a dealer well-nigh you. Enquire them how to recycle your filter. (Many shops have  a recycling box).
  • Or phone this Customer Care number: 0800 – 500 eighteen eighteen

Recycle Brita Filters In Australia

Edit – Feb 2019 – France from Commonwealth of australia has just updated me. She phoned Brita Commonwealth of australia and was told that Australians tin can recycle the filters in your kerbside recycling scheme IF you cut them open and empty out the contents first.

It's not ideal, but it's definitely better than nada! Thanks France for the update!

Well, this is frustrating! Brita Commonwealth of australia talk virtually how careful they are about their environmental bear on – but they don't seem to provide a way for Australian consumers to recycle their filters.

An Australian lady started a petition to Brita to start recycling – Brita however said there was insufficient involvement by consumers. The petition was afterward closed as it only received 53 signatures (information technology needed 10,000). Sigh.

Recycle Brita Water Filters in Southward Africa

Sadly, I was  unable to find any options. If anyone knows, please permit me know in the Comments below!


Many countries offer like shooting fish in a barrel means to recycle your water filters, and some take dorsum the packaging too. It'due south and then much more than green and eco friendly to use a h2o filter instead of ownership bottled water (and it'southward miles cheaper also). And then behave on doing your bit for the planet by recycling your filters subsequently utilise – they can be made into all sorts of useful products. Plus, you'll be keeping nasty plastic out of landfills.

Run into beneath for more than information on water filters.

Warm regards,

signature Clare

Other interesting manufactures on water filters:

  • Choose the best water filter for Yous!
  • Which type of water filter is all-time?
  • The best water filter for Las Vegas and for Barcelona
  • Is your drinking water safe and tasty?
  • Is chlorine in h2o good or bad?
  • Bottled versus tap h2o – the taste exam (video)

Editor's Notation: This article has been updated with new information (January 2018).

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Can Brita Filters Be Recycled,


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