
Are Merv 13 Filters Worth It

How will a higher quality filter touch on the airflow to my HVAC unit.

The brusk of information technology

The brusk answer is that it can, but it'due south not really an issue except under farthermost circumstances. About modern HVAC systems have no problem working with college MERV filters, which is why millions of homeowners depend on them. The master risk with high-efficiency air filters comes from them being left unchanged for long periods of time. If you lot stay on top of changing your filters, It's unlikely y'all'll experience any filter-driven issues with your HVAC organization.

You desire to achieve a nice balance

Like everything in life and nature, we want to strive for an platonic balance. In this example, you want to take your air every bit clean as possible without restricting the airflow to your HVAC unit and wasting energy. Some could compare the situation to the fairy tale of Goldilocks and the three bears. This abode has less than clean air but is energy efficient, this abode has fresh air, but an inefficient HVAC, and this abode is just right! Although it is not that straightforward and there are other factors to consider, practice not worry! We are here to help you make the best decision for your home!

Get to know a filter'south quality

Before making whatever choices, one must offset understand the quality of a filter. Any air filter yous purchase will accept a course on it as a tool to evidence its quality. The most common measurement scales that you will discover are MERV, MPR, and FPR. For this blog, we volition be referring to the MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating scale but it can easily translate to other measurement scales that y'all may see used.

merv frp mpr comparison chart

The higher the rating of the filter is, the smaller the particles that it will capture too every bit the higher the percentage of particles captured. Low-efficiency filters typically lie within MERV 1-iv and high-efficiency filters are MERV 13 and beyond. The scaling of MERV is non linear; the difference between a MERV 6 and a MERV 8 is nearly double in the pct of particles captured. Exist aware that as the MERV rating increases, the filter gets more than restrictive and information technology will take more force per unit area and energy to push button air through.

Low-efficiency filters

These filters will maximize your airflow only volition do very footling when it comes to cleaning your air. Filters in this category tin can sometimes be referred to every bit "rock-catchers" because their job is to make sure that nothing as well significant and devastating gets sucked up into the HVAC unit equally the blank minimum. They will end the large debris, but the majority of other particles will be free to enter your HVAC unit. The dust and clay volition either land somewhere in the system or circulate back into the house. Dust and dirt on critical parts of your HVAC system volition increase demand on your system, which can lead to repair and maintenance bills that you're not looking to pay. Also, particles existence circulated back into your dwelling house is just plain unhealthy. These filters are certainly improve than no filter at all, but that is not saying much.

Ironically, the effectiveness of low-efficiency air filters increases as the filter loads upwardly with clay and dust. In that location are two problems, though. First, information technology takes fourth dimension for the filter to exist loaded enough to get a beneficial result then that everything that gets by the filter ends upward either in your organization or back in your home. Second, somewhen, the filter tin can become so dirty that the system experiences a pressure driblet which can burn out the fan motor. To prevent this, you have to change the filter, which takes yous right back to the first trouble. For the brief time that you become a pocket-size benefit from your low-efficiency filter is far outweighed by the issues it creates.

So why use them? The main reason is that some older units tin but handle these filters. A couple of decades ago, filters of lower quality were nearly the merely kind used for homes. Engineering for HVAC units has progressed since and virtually modernistic units of the last few years should be capable of a MERV viii filter at the to the lowest degree. Just older units may not be capable of enough air force per unit area to force air through a higher efficiency filter. Trying so could crusade significant issues also as a need for repairs.

Some HVAC technicians have a preference for these depression-efficiency filters due to their depression resistance to airflow. When these filters get dirty and need to be changed, air will still be able to flow through them and not clog as easily. Some technicians are anticipating that people will forget to change out their filters and using depression-efficiency filters regularly could assistance minimize impairment to a neglected HVAC. Filters of this category are recommended to be changed every ii to 4 weeks, which tin can be challenging to maintain for some. It may be comforting to know that your overdue filter is not as bad as it could exist, but it is non doing anything else for you lot until it is replaced.

High-efficiency filters

A more than efficient filter will be more effective at removing particles from the air as they enter your HVAC system. They volition improve the air quality in your habitation likewise and go on your lungs happy. Since the filtration is more thorough, information technology will take more than energy and effort from your HVAC unit of measurement to use them. How much more can vary by home and HVAC system, merely with modern technology, the increase in airflow resistance that you lot get with a high-efficiency filter is typically marginal. This is important to annotation, because many homeowners believe the relationship is simply linear, meaning as filtration efficiency increases, so does resistance to airflow at the same rate. This is not accurate, though, and information technology's the reason why millions of homeowners use high-efficiency filters with no business organisation. For example, 2nd Nature's Essential filter is roughly 450% more effective at capturing particles than a cheapo low-efficiency fiberglass filter, merely its resistance to airflow is simply near xx% college, a marginal difference.

An of import note with a college MERV filter is that you demand to remember to modify it. A consequence of a very constructive air filter is the speed with which it can load with pollutants and begin to increase force per unit area driblet. This is just fancy talk for "the filter catches more stuff then it clogs faster." If yous get out a clogged filter unchanged for a long fourth dimension, that's when you lot can outset to encounter problems with resistance to airflow. This is, of course, a very easy consequence to prevent. But recall to change the filter and you lot're good to go.

In summary

So which filter should you lot consider? If your unit is older and/or very sensitive with airflow, use a filter that ranks from MERV one up to possibly MERV half dozen. If you want your air to at to the lowest degree be cleaned and handle dust, mold, pollen, and leaner, so a MERV 8 will exercise the job. Having pets would crave a MERV 10 to manage their dander, which tends to have smaller particles than the pollutants previously discussed. Air filters that are MERV 13 and higher are recommended for those that prioritize air quality and may take to handle asthma, astringent allergies, and other similar circumstances. Effort to non get beyond what you lot need for your situation. Otherwise, it would be a waste of energy, money, and give unneeded stress to your HVAC system. The factors of every dwelling tin can vary, so you can e'er contact a local HVAC technician if you lot are ever unsure and want a second opinion.

The cost-benefit equation is elementary: For a few extra dollars, you can ensure that your HVAC organisation is every bit make clean equally possible and the air in your domicile is effectively filtered just by using an efficient air filter that is inverse regularly. It'south an piece of cake chore that Second Nature makes even easier.

Are Merv 13 Filters Worth It,


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