
How Long Does It Take To Animate 30 Seconds


How Long Does It Take To Produce an Animation?

nine min read

When you're about to commencement a new animation project, one of the outset questions on your heed will be how long does it take to produce an blitheness? Generally speaking, how long the process takes depends on the complication of design and the level of detail needed (e.k. if the animation is 2d or 3d)

A simple animated video with superficial details and without animated characters tin exist completed in around 4 weeks. However, more intensive scenes, with more movement and animation (similar a fight scene) could take up to few months.

Generally, the boilerplate time to produce an animation of effectually 60-90 seconds is 8-10 weeks. The fourth dimension taken depends largely on the blitheness style y'all'd similar to employ, for example, uncomplicated movement graphics animations will be much faster than circuitous frame-by-frame blitheness.

The Standard Timeline

The standard timeline of viii weeks to completion of the unabridged blitheness process tin be broken down into a number of stages: briefing, brainstorming, scriptwriting, central illustration/concept fine art, storyboard, illustration, animation, and sound design.

Each stage of the process is integral to the success of your blitheness. The overall aim of the process is to make your creative vision a reality.

During the initial, preproduction stages, three-6 days will be set up aside for the briefing, brainstorming, script writing and concept fine art. It's vital from the beginning that clients provide prompt feedback to proceed the projection moving swiftly.

The next stage will be 5-12 days for the storyboard and illustrations, followed by 5-10 days for the illustration itself. At the finish of the blitheness process, you will accept a quality animation of around 60-90 seconds long.

If time is of the essence, animations can be completed quicker, but to do and then is ofttimes very resources intensive, and will increase the overall cost of the project. However if more people are engaged in the project, then the process can be twice as fast. An open up dialogue between the customer and the design studio will ensure that anybody is on the same page, and that each phase is delivered on fourth dimension.

Step-by-Stride Breakdown

Briefing and creative offering

The first phase of producing an animation is designing a creative offer. A well-defined brief volition help your designers to ameliorate sympathise what you're looking to achieve with your project, and to annotation down the stylistic elements that y'all're looking to encounter in your video.

A clear brief will take the target audience into consideration and help to focus the residue of the projection on the desired demographic. A creative offer will take around iii-6 days to complete.

Brainstorming and Script Writing

After that stage the studio will brainstorm to bring the clients vision to life. The whole brainstorming procedure begins with copywriters, who work together with art directors to choose the stylistics earlier the rest of the team starts on the concepts.

The creative team (comprised of animators, illustrators and fine art directors) volition list potential stylistic features, and artistic choices that can be made to bring your vision to life.

Next the script volition be produced. It is the heart and soul of your creative story, and whether you're creating an emotive story or a marketing blitheness, your script will play a large role in determining how your blitheness is received.

The script volition communicate your bulletin and narrate the overall blitheness. Brainstorming and script writing will take five-8 days to complete.

Voice Over

At present when the script is ready, projects including narration and / or dialogues will be passed to the VO artists. The sooner the voice over is recorded the improve. Information technology determines how a last effect will look like, affecting the length and the rhythm of the blitheness.

It takes around ane-three days to complete this stage, however it tin exist processed parallelly to the concept art stage.

Concept Art

After laying down the foundations of your creative message concept art will kickoff to visualize your message. Concept art also called key illustration aims to create a crude visual representation of your ideas, earlier they are put into the terminal product.

Illustrators and fine art directors will be looking to create concept art that provides a fast-rail expect at the visual ideas of the animation studio.

Concept art volition make sure that your project has a unified artistic vision and ensure your designers are on the aforementioned page. This part of the process takes an boilerplate of around ii-4 days to consummate.


One time your script and your concept fine art has been sketched up, a storyboard volition exist drawn up to particular the visual components of the video scene-to-scene. It will enable you to see how the overall animation is structured, downward to the scene design and the progression of the story.

At this stage yous'll meet a rudimentary skeleton of the last production before the details are finalised. Nearly storyboards tin can be completed within four-seven days.


Once you've approved a storyboard that meets your brief, your initial concept fine art sketches will be developed into detailed illustrations. This is where the specifics of your character design and features will be narrowed in on.

This volition be one of the first stages where your artistic vision starts to be realized. The illustrations will be completed in around 10-12 days.


We've now reached the main function of the project: the animation phase. At this point, the blueprint studio will be using earlier illustrations and storyboards to create dynamic animated scenes.

The studio volition apply animation software to bring graphic symbol designs and other models to life with authentic movement and joint scene by scene. Each scene volition need to be reviewed vigorously in order to ensure the scenes run smoothly. This tin can take between 12-16 days.

The studio will use animation software to bring character designs and other models to life

Sound design

To consummate your animation, it's fourth dimension to add sound furnishings and a professional music track. The blueprint team will make utilise of music audio effects and production software to add audio to your blitheness.

Quality sound design sets the mood for your target audience. The sound design tin be completed in one-3 days.

The 8-week Animation Procedure

The eight-week animation procedure is more than enough to produce a high quality product that captivates viewers and gets your message across. There'due south a fine line betwixt keeping the blitheness process prompt and rushing through compromising your artistic vision.

Entering into the procedure and clearly communicating your needs to the blueprint squad tin pay dividends as the sooner the animators understand the effect you're looking to create the sooner they tin can make the changes needed to make the content you want to see.

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