
How To Clean Air Filter

Continue your HVAC organisation running efficiently with these simple maintenance tips. It'southward easier than you might imagine to clean an air conditioner filter or furnace filter. Here'south exactly how and when information technology's time to replace them.

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Your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system keeps your home'southward air clean by trapping dust, pollen, germs, and other contaminants, simply all those particles have to go somewhere. The system's air filter collects much of this buildup, which can somewhen offset to interfere with the unit's efficiency, increase your utility bills, and fifty-fifty compromise your home's air quality. Learning how to make clean an air conditioner filter or furnace filter is a key office of regular maintenance that tin keep the system running smoothly and ward off a costly breakdown.

However, cleaning your home's air filters volition but get yous so far. If the filter is excessively dirty, torn, or otherwise damaged, it's time to replace your air filter. You should as well note that dispensable air filters (which are typically ready in a paper-thin frame) are generally non meant to be cleaned and should exist replaced when they become dirty. Cleaning works best with reusable filters, like this washable electrostatic furnace and AC filter ($24, Lowe's).

Adjacent close up view of a new unused and an onetime heavily clogged muddy air filters

Credit: Grandbrothers/Adobe Stock

How to Clean an HVAC Air Filter

For best results, plan to clean your home'south air filters about once a calendar month and replace them about every six months. Be sure to check the manufacturer's instructions to determine the best way to clean your air conditioner or furnace filter, but the steps beneath will work for most reusable filters.

What Yous Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Vacuum with soft brush attachment
  • Large bucket or sink
  • Hot water
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Hose (optional)

Step 1: Turn off the power and locate the filter.

Earlier y'all begin, plough off your HVAC unit to forbid unfiltered air from circulating effectually your domicile while cleaning. Locate the vent and use a screwdriver to open up the unit. Some systems might include multiple vents that each contain a filter, and so exist certain to clean them all. Remove the filter and inspect it for damage. Supercede the filter if necessary; otherwise, continue on to vacuuming.

Step 2: Vacuum the air filter.

Take the filter outside if possible to avert stirring up grit within your habitation. Use a vacuum with a soft castor attachment to remove debris from the filter. Run the brush beyond the filter to gently loosen stuck-on buildup.

Step 3: Wash the filter with vinegar and water.

If your air filter requires deeper cleaning, fill your sink or a large bucket with a mixture of equal parts hot h2o and distilled white vinegar. Let the filter soak for approximately i hr, and so rinse with make clean water. If the filter is also large to fit within a sink or saucepan, use a garden hose to wash it off, letting the water run through the filter in the contrary direction of the airflow. Use a low-pressure level setting to avoid damaging the filter.

Pace 4: Let dry and replace.

Let the filter air-dry completely before replacing it. This helps foreclose mold growth within your HVAC system. Reload the filter inside the unit, ensuring information technology's facing the right direction for proper airflow. Most filters feature pointer markings that signal the correct placement; these arrows should typically point toward the furnace in the direction of the airflow. Supplant the vents and turn the unit of measurement back on.

How To Clean Air Filter,


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