
Microsoft Edge WebView2 hits general availability

Later on months of testing, Microsoft announced today that Microsoft Edge WebView2 is now mostly bachelor, giving developers access to the latest Edge web tech within their apps. WebView2 uses the new Chromium-based Edge as a rendering engine for spider web-based elements withing apps. Moreover, it volition stay updated alongside Edge to keep the rendering engine current.

If you lot're unfamiliar with WebView, it allows developers to bake web elements via HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within their apps. WebView and then uses Edge as a rendering engine to display that content inside an app. Developers can fifty-fifty build native applications using a webview.

"This means that equally a Windows app developer you will now have access to the latest web tech in both existing and new apps," Microsoft said in its web log postal service announcing the WebView2 launch. "WebView2 lets y'all combine the ease and agility of developing for the web with the ability of edifice a native desktop application."

Going forward, Microsoft says that it plans to continue WebView2 updated alongside the major Microsoft Edge releases. The visitor plans to release a new SDK every half dozen weeks, which it says will "generally align" with new releases to the Microsoft Edge stable channel. Pre-release SDKs will also go on to be bachelor for developers to exam out "experimental APIs."

If you're a programmer, y'all can get started with the Microsoft Edge WebView2 controler with Microsoft's documentation. If you oasis't tried the new Microsoft Border, you lot can download the stable version now via the official Edge website.

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